Buy Ankole Cattle, Ankole Cattles Suppliers in South Africa (【+27631501216】)
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Buy Ankole Cattle, Ankole Cattles Suppliers in South Africa (【+27631501216】)
By migrating down the Nile River, the breed found their way to Uganda, known as the Pearl of Africa.
The Banyankole people in Western Uganda, after whom the Ankole was named, believe the breed was created by God and bought to them by the founders of the Ankole Kingdom. To them, the Ankole are “the Cattle of Kings”.
A myth also exists, as relayed by Elizabeth Katushabe, that cattle became extinct, but then reappeared following four days of rain after King Omugabe Nyabugarobwera Ntare shot at the sky with his bow and arrow, known as Enfumura Iguru.
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